Le travail du bois d’olivier
Legal Mentions
Design & development of the site
Holymel x Mélanie Sana
Passage Fioretti, 06130 Grasse
Tel. 06 28 65 55 10 / Siren 793 573 932
Passage Fioretti, 06130 Grasse
Tel. 06 28 65 55 10 / Siren 793 573 932
Publication Director
Guillaume Dubosq
Siret : 44829020500013
Convention collective : IDCC 1517
Répertoire des métiers : 448290205RM006
N° NAFA :1629ZA
Code APE : 4778C
Siret : 44829020500013
Convention collective : IDCC 1517
Répertoire des métiers : 448290205RM006
N° NAFA :1629ZA
Code APE : 4778C
Photos & videos
Sébastien Duijndam
Infomaniak Network SA
Rue Eugène-Marziano 250
1227 Genève
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The site “boisdolivier.fr” is protected by the laws in force on intellectual property and copyright. The information available on the site is protected by copyright and is the property of “Dubosq & Fils – Le travail du bois d’olivier” with reserve to rights belonging to a third party. The present information must not be interpreted as constituting a licence or a right for use concerning all images, and the registered trademark, brand or Logo of “Dubosq & Fils – Le travail du bois d’olivier”. The downloading or copying of any software or material from the site does not give you any right over the elements downloaded or copied. “Dubosq & Fils – Le travail du bois d’olivier” reserve all rights to the copyright and property of all information available on the Site and will validate these rights in every extension of the laws applicable.
The Site “www.boisdolivier.fr” contains hypertext links to other Internet Sites. As no control can be exerted over these sites, “Dubosq & Fils • Le travail du bois d’olivier” cannot be held responsible for the availability of these sites and external sources and cannot accept any responsibility concerning the contents created or published on third party sites.
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The information available on the Site has been prepared by “Dubosq & Fils – Le travail du bois d’olivier” who have taken the necessary measures to ensure that this information is viable, correct, and complete. “Dubosq & Fils – Le travail du bois d’olivier” cannot guarantee neither explicitly nor implicitly the exactitude, the exhaustiveness or the adequation of the aforementioned information for whatever reason whatsoever. “Dubosq & Fils – Le travail du bois d’olivier” cannot guarantee that the information found on the Site has not been altered further to technical failures (disconnection, interference by a third party, virus’, etc.)
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Within the authorised limits by the law, in particularly in case of neglect, “Dubosq & Fils – Le travail du bois d’olivier” cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage of any nature whatsoever, if it concerns, in particularly but not exclusively, for any direct, indirect, or consecutive damage linked to the access of the Site or any other site that might have a link to the Site, to its use, its exploration or any downloading. This Site offers you the possibility of sending emails to “Dubosq & Fils – Le travail du bois d’olivier”. These emails transit via Internet, a public network on which “Dubosq & Fils – Le travail du bois d’olivier” have no control, and for this reason are susceptible to be intercepted, altered, or lost. “Dubosq & Fils – Le travail du bois d’olivier” decline any responsibility in this regard.